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Brake Pedal Ratio Calculator

Pedal Ratio Calculator

This calculator is intended to calculate a lever ratio based on a desired system pressure and pressure on the lever. You can read more about system pressure and master cylinder selection on the Brake Tech page.
For example, if a driver is strong enough to press with 100 lbs. of force on a hand brake, and 1200 psi. is specified as the system pressure, this calculator will give the ratio required for various master cylinder sizes.
Yellow boxes should be changed to suit your own application:
Enter the Desired hand lever force: Enter the desired foot pedal force:

Master Cylinder Bore SizeDesired System PressureForce Required on RodHand Lever RatioPedal Lever Ratio
0.75" PSI LBS: 1: 1
0.875" PSI LBS: 1: 1
1.00" PSI LBS: 1: 1
1.125" PSI LBS: 1: 1
" (custom) PSI LBS: 1: 1